Parking Info
For our customer’s safety and our neighbor’s convenience, we ask our patrons to park in our designated parking areas, being sure to pull out of the road completely so as not to block the traveled portion of Old Pump Rd. We also ask that our parking areas only be used by customers and not used as public parking to go for a walk, run, or bike ride. We need all the parking we have at ALL times. We reserve the right to tow vehicles parked in our lots longer than the expected 30 minute maximum time.
Our parking area closest to our buildings now have yellow lines to indicate each parking space. Please be sure to park within the lines so we are able to fit as many cars as possible.
***A reminder that per Vermont Law, idling your vehicle in excess of 5 minutes is illegal. If idiling is necessary to keep pets cool, we ask that you use our designated parking spaces, or one of our overflow lots listed below.
Overflow Parking
During high volume traffic times, there are two alternate areas available for parking that are less than a minute walk from our shop. For your SAFETY, always use the designated crosswalks and pedestrian crossing signals.
**The FRONT Post Office parking lot is available:
Mon - Fri: After 5 PM
Sat: After 12 Noon
Sun: All Day
++The BACK Post Office parking area is OFF LIMITS at all times as Mail Carriers and Trucks need access to this lot at all times.++
**The Jericho Elementary School (JES) parking lot is available:
Mon - Fri Anytime after 2:30 PM (Sept. 1 - June 15, when school is in session)
Anytime Sat or Sunday (when school is in session)
Anytime when school is not in session.
For your SAFETY, always use the designated crosswalks and pedestrian crossing signals.